» March 03 «
Oh boy, another day, another trial for being an artist.
If Discord doesn’t start working again soon I’m going to be really annoyed. If I have to freshly install my OS then so be it! But I’d rather it just start working again, magically.
» March 01 «
So much art, never enough hours in the day to paint...
Currently working on a surprisingly large number of projects, the least of which involving fixing some computer issues I’ve been having.
With any luck, I’ll have SOMETHING more to post, soon.
Things are just better on the tiny web. I just don’t need all that algorithm driven nonsense in my life, rage baiting and posting as much awful crap as they can, as fast as the bots can repost it.
» February 25 «
Good grief. So many small projects to do, never enough time, eh?
Well, one of the biggest projects that I’m getting ready for is learning how to dual boot my PC! Windows 11 is on the horizon and I just... I just don’t like the looks of it! If I must use Windows 11 then at the very least I’ll only use it as the driver for my day job and dual boot Linux for everything else.
And I installed the LibreOffice suite to get used to it and, wow, this is so NICE.
It’s felt so comfortable to transition to but it feels so much more private and secure, if that makes sense? God, does this mean I’m old now? That I get excited about having good password protected spreadsheets for making schedules and budgets?
Oh God... I’m old now.... Oh nooooooo
Jkjk <(^^,)>
» February 24 «
I have a new goal. I MUST learn a basic amount about 3D modeling!
» February 22 «
Feeling much better after several days of resting and drinking volumes of tea!
» February 18 «
Got sick 😭
Hopefully this cough passes quickly.
» February 15 «
In only a few months.... it's gonna be mmaaaayyyyyyy.
» February 10 «
To celebrate actually winning a Magic game, I've finally sat down to paint myself a Bloomburrow themed basic land card.
This'll count as my first real Magic alter painting!
I'll post the art tomorrow after the paint dries!
» February 05 «
I'm a furry, of course I'm not straight. 😹
Also, for non-hetero reasons, here's the entire 2024 Eurobeat Kudos album they released for free on YouTube.
» February 03 «
I'm working on three professional projects right now and all of them are under non-disclosure. Good grief. 😅
» January 31 «
Well folks, it's been an entire month into the new year but here we are!
Take some time to step back, breathe, and remember that tomorrow is unwritten, eh.
» January 29 «
» January 26 «
Wow, LONG time since my last update! But it's been a heck of a week and I'm glad I got to start this week off on a very good note. I finished another painting today and I'll be able to post about it tomorrow!
» January 20 «
Finished another tiny painting today! I'm so glad I've been able to do so many of these!
» January 17 «
And now, thank goodness, it's a Friday! I'm still extrenely sad over the passing of David Lynch but I'll be okay, in time.
Still, what a legend, eh.
» January 13 «
Oh boy, it's a Monday once again. Here we go!
» January 11 «
FINALLY have more art to upload!
» January 10 «
Thus far I've done one study or sketch per day! I pray I can keep this momentum going!!!
Every time I think about censorship on YouTube or Facebook or any of these other social media sites I take a deep breath knowing I can literally post anything I want here.
Having to censor words "Murder" or "Suicide" for un-alive or some other excessively heavy handed content moderation system to keep the advertisers happy does profoundly blunt our ability to actually discuss serious topics and ideas, all of the sake of being advertiser-friendly.
HTML isn't rocket science... And the "Yester-Web" may well be the future of free expression on the net. Maybe it always was.
» January 08 «
It is Wednesday, my dudes!
—Haven't done any gouache painting in a while! I need to fix that!
» January 07 «
It's been a tough few years of television. I truly love what I do but I can't deny that it's really tough seeing show after show get cancelled after 1 season, deleted from streaming services, or just buried under an ever expanding library of "content" that never gets any promotion.
I didn’t dedicate all this time, and study, and work just to pour all that effort into some shows that only get, like, a 5/10 on IMDB.
At the end of the day, everyone wants to work on Castlevania or Arcane but we all end up working on some forgettable, one season show for children or another generic “adult comedy” who’s only conception of what it means to be “adult” is letting the characters binge drink, do drugs, and swear.
» January 06 «
What is it about January 6th's that're so wild for Canadian and American politics?
» January 03 «
It's a brand new day and the sun is high! Well, I assume it is, since it's snowing outside...
» January 02 «
This Christmas season has just blazed past!
» January 01 «
I'm starting the New Year off with a DOUBLE ENTRY!
I have a bunch of resolutions to commit to this year and I'm really excited to see what more art I can make in the next 365 days!
» January 01 «
I'm reusing this art from last year while I do some more exciting art to post in the new year!