This page is where I'll be posting work in progress previews for my art.


An illustration of breaking glass.

Effect Studies

An anthropomorphic cat holds his head in pain as his mind is struck by a bolt of evil energy.
Some puffs of smoke and light drawn to look like the gas expelled from a fired gun.

"Coming Soon" Teaser Poster

A shotgun shell flies into the air, leaving a trail of smoke behind it.

What will he find?

A coyote digs in the ground for something.
The pencil art of the figure digging in the ground

A horrible discovery

A painting of a partially unearthed human skull.

Hostile Lands

A landscape full of obelisks

A Cursed Artifact!

A skull revealed through layers of dirt.

A Mysterious Mountain

A painting depicting a mountain surrounded by sand dunes. In the foreground there are statues and artifacts buried in the sand.

Fabric Animation Frame

A single frame of some fabric blowing in the wind.

Is this enough pixels?

A cropped preview of the line art of the website banner image.

Digital shading test

A fairly simple portrait of Ardent.
The pencil art used in this digital art test.